Orthopedic acupuncture treats musculo-skeletal conditions and pain due to injury, repetitive use, misuse, or genetic inheritance.
Over the course of several treatments, we can resolve chronic muscular issues and reduce pain and discomfort, while fortifying the body's healing response.
My practice of clinical bodywork is a confluence of experience and intuition.
Honed over 25 years, each session is a mutli-modal offering of structural, functional, and energetic modalities which can include hands-on therapy, acupuncture, cupping, myofascial decompression, and percussive massage.
I am dedicated to working with the masterwork of the human body, organizing each piece into a whole of optimized wellness.
The body is a puzzle of physical and energetic components that we live in for an entire lifetime. My practice is dedicated to working with each piece, from bones to fascia to organ function, and their collaboration with worldly impacts on your body, including stress, repetitive movement and injury. I address immediate issues and build a program of care and support that lifts your entire constitution into balance for a lifetime of wellness.